The Conditions A Gynaecologist Can Treat

The gynecologist is a specialist doctor whose practice focuses on the reproductive health of women. This doctor treats many different problems, including childbirth, pregnancy, fertility, obstetrics, menstruation, hormonal disorders, and sexually transmitted infections. To become one, the physician must have completed at least eight years of training and be certified by a recognized examiner.

Patients having this cancer should immediately be treated by a gynaecologic oncologist who must have experience in performing comprehensive surgical staging and cytoreductive (debulking) surgery.

Ovarian cysts, fibroids treatment Melbourne, endometriosis, vaginal ulcers, sexual dysfunction, and polycystic ovary syndrome are some of the other conditions that only an experienced gynecologist can treat and treat. You also need to undergo routine tests, such as the Pap smears, and also investigate suspected diseases such as uterine cancer or cervix.

Role of a Gynaecologist when Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer

The treatment of this cancer is done by the stage of the disease, i.e. the extent or spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Staging is performed by the specialist gynaecologist practicing in Melbourne oncologist where this cancer is removed. During the surgical process, the surgeon will collect small pieces of tissue (biopsies) from various areas in the abdominal cavity. Depending on the condition of the disease, the surgeon will be either amputee the ovary and fallopian tube or both ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Also, the surgeon will even attempt to remove cancer as much as possible. The stage of this cancer is staged as follows:

1. Stage I cancer is confined to one or both ovaries.

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2. The cancer is in Stage II. if either one or both of the ovaries is involved and has spread to the uterus and/or the fallopian tubes or other areas of the pelvis.

3. The cancer is in Stage III. If one or both of the ovaries is involved and has spread to lymph nodes or other areas outside the pelvis but is still within the abdominal cavity, such as the surface of the intestine or liver.

4. The cancer is in Stage IV if one or both ovaries is involved and has spread outside the abdomen or has spread to the inside of the liver.

Although ovarian cancer is the second general type of female reproductive cancer, more women die from this cancer than cervical and cervical cancer combined. It is estimated that ovarian cancer was diagnosed in 21,880 women in the United States in 2010 and 13,850 women died of this malignancy. The main reason for such a poor outcome is because maximum cases of epithelial ovarian cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage which indicates high chances of death.

According to the recent statistical reports it is estimated that the number of women suffering from ovarian cancers is more as compared to some women suffering from cervical and uterine cancers. In the United States, ovarian cancer was diagnosed in 21,880 women, and 13,850 women died from this malignancy (according to the statistical report of 2010).

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